Records storage
Records Storage
The Mondial Waaijenberg Group has detailed knowledge concerning the storage and management of records. Our branches in Ede (Mondial Waaijenberg Verhuizers) and Kolham (Mondial Waaijenberg Verhuizers) offer every possible facility for the secure and correct storage of records. Our specially designed filing cabinets ensure just about every kind of record storage. In addition, the Mondial Waaijenberg Group will be happy to assist you in digitising your records.
Why External Records Storage?
The Mondial Waaijenberg Group has a well worked out vision on the external storage of records. This vision is something we gladly share with our customers. It is based on the following four principles:
- Storing your records with a company that has efficient and professional facilities saves expensive office space. The price per square metre of office space is usually higher than what you will pay for storage at the Mondial Waaijenberg Group.
- You save on investments in storing records. We store your records for you and manage them in accordance with the prevailing guidelines of the Public Records Inspectorate.
- Your records are entered into our database the moment they arrive. This database is made available to you, enabling your staff to efficiently dispose of all the files.
- Your staff does not waste any time on retrieving and adding to records.
With over 25 years of experience, the Mondial Waaijenberg Group knows as no other how important records are to any organisation. It is vital that customers are able to quickly dispose of the correct records. Any request for a record is therefore dealt with swiftly and efficiently.
The storage facility security devices are class 3 rated and equipped with special locks and burglary warning systems. These measures guarantee a round-the-clock security of the terminal. Only those persons who have clearance are given access to records, and even then only under the supervision of one of our judicially screened staff and after having officially identified themselves.
Records Storage Conditions
The Mondial Waaijenberg Group manages your records according to the prevailing guidelines of the Public Records Act, which means that, among other things, the following measures are taken:
- A room temperature of between 16º Celsius and 18º Celsius is maintained;
- If required, your records may be accessed by your own staff only;
- The storage spaces are secured against fire by means of an automatic emergency system;
- The floors are even and smooth with no cracks for dust to accumulate in;
Our special brochure on records storage contains all the information you need to learn about the way we handle your records.
Care to receive an offer or more information on records storage? Then fill in the contact form . We will then contact you as soon as possible to arrange an informal meeting.